Death Scene Investigation A Field Guide
Each and every death scene presents new challenges to even the most seasoned investigator. Despite the unique
nature of each scenario, using a standardized protocol is the key to ensuring consistent and accurate results.
Death Scene Investigation: A Field Guide provides concise direction for the death scene investigator, crime scene
investigator, coroner, medical examiner, or anyone associated with the investigation of death.
Since the majority of deaths are due to natural causes, the book emphasizes these situations, yet also examines
unnatural circumstances. It begins by providing a general overview of death investigation before delving into a
chronological point-by-point analysis of the death scene. Topics discussed include how to assess the body at the
scene, and how to investigate natural and unnatural deaths.
Explores Various Causes
Next, the text demonstrates how death manifests in various parts of the body. A section on traumatic injuries
examines and demonstrates with color photographs blunt force, sharp force, and a host of other injuries that the
death examiner is likely to confront.
The book addresses identification methods and explores how to determine signs of resuscitation and previous
surgeries. It concludes with a discussion of the purpose and performance of the autopsy and provides a survey of
the different forensic experts that may become useful to the death investigator.
Enhanced by numerous color photos, this volume is a direct, succinct handbook that is invaluable to those that
confront the reality of death on a day-to-day basis. Its convenient format makes it the perfect guide to take
along to the scene.
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