Legendary (2008) Full-Rip Skullptura
From the very tiniest forms of life to the intergalactic le vel of existence, you are in control of life itself in this simulation game by Will Wright.
Beginning in the primordial ooze, players create a character from DNA that will grow, sur vi ve, and mate as it e vol ves from a single-celled organism
to a fully-formed member of an establishing species. As more and more creatures inhabit the world, and as e volution forms the future, your species
will join herds, clans, e ven ci vilizations. The more ad vanced the creatures of the planet grow, the more complex the strife of sur vi val becomes.
And while the player can continue gameplay in Spore at any le vel -- playing as a cell, as a wild creature, or as a ci vilized and organized society –
players can also step e ven further out and play the game from the planetary or interstellar le vel, while also going online to connect worlds with other
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